Our Stencils are available here:
Email: thorshammer5280@gmail.com

Click or tap on pictures below for more information

Any personal or commercial use of these images prohibited unless permission granted
Due to ever changing demand, some stencils may have been discontinued and are pictured for reference only.
Australia / Australian

Bulgaria / Bulgarian

Circle 10 Arsenal Mark

Selector Marks

Selector Mark

Selector Mark

Selector Mark

Circle 10 Arsenal Mark

Circle 10 Arsenal Mark

Selector Mark

Norinco Logo

Milled & Stamped Receivers

Factory 626, Type 56

Export Selector Markings

Export Selector Markings
China / Chinese
Czechoslovakia / Czech

Egypt / Egyptian

Maadi Sight Leaf marks

Hungary / Hungarian

AMD 63, AMD 65, SA 85M

Selector Mark

Selector Mark
Israel / Israeli

Choose either IDF Emblem or Tzahal Mark. LH Selector Mark, RH Selector Mark, Galil ID/Caliber Mark.
Iran / Iranian

Uzi, G3
Iraq / Iraqi

Misc. Other

Used by various countries for arms exported

Poland / Polish

Milled Receivers

Production Year Markings

Trunnion or Milled Receiver

FB Logo

Selector Mark LH & RH

Stamped Recievers
Romania / Romanian

Rare Carfil Arsenal Mark

Rare Carfil Arsenal Mark

Selector Mark

Selector Mark

Selector Mark

Dimpled Receiver
Russia / Russian / USSR

Russian Milled Receiver

Replica model ммг marking

Russian Quality Mark (Росс Стандарт)

Kalashnikov Mark for Receivers

60's & 70's Stamped Receivers

60's / 70's Stamped Receivers

Circa 1983 - 1988

South Africa / SA

Vektor R4, R5, R6, LM4, LM5

Selector LH & RH Proof 'P' Stamp Union Military Stamp
United States / USA

Remington Model 10

Stevens 520-30 & 620 Trench / Riot Shotgun

Stevens 5100 Shotgun

Available in three sizes 1/8", 1/4" & 5/16" tall

Available in three sizes 1/4", 5/16" & 3/8" tall

Similar to 1917 Remington

Yugoslavia (Yugoslavian) / Serbia (Serbian)

Milled Receiver or Rear Sight Block

8mm diameter

9mm diameter

Selector Mark

Selector Mark